Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Home Buying tips BEFORE stepping foot into a home!

HOME Buying can be very stressful, but if you follow these
TIPS "BEFORE" stepping foot into a home you can....  BE SMARTER than the Average Buyer!  

DO NOT BUY that new car!!!  Or anything other than food! (kidding) But seriously, Don't!

Tip #2 - Don't CHANGE things!
Yes, this can affect you in major ways.
Changing Jobs, changing banks even Credit card changes.


There is a BIG difference between PRE-Qualified and PRE-Approved.  Pretty much anyone can get a PRE-Qualified letter, Stand out and get PRE-APPROVED!!!  And, don't forget to find a Great lender!  RESEARCH!  No big banks - you need a partner that knows your name!!!  Treats you like a person, not just a NUMBER!
AND...  does Not work Bank hours!

Tip #4 - Find a REALTOR! (I know one if you need a referral)!  A REALTOR!  Not a Real Estate Agent!  A REALTOR is a member of the Board and has a CODE OF ETHICS to adhere to.  Also, make sure they are FULL TIME!  LISTEN'S to your needs and are accessible to you!

Tip #5 - Needs vs.Wants!  All "Occupants" write down their NEEDS vs their WANTS!  Separately and don't discuss until complete.  You will be surprised about the list and can give to your REALTOR. ....
(I have copy I can send you - email me and I'll shoot it right over.)

Tip #6 - Become a "Stalker"  If you are unsure of area you want to live, start stalking it!  NOT in a BAD WAY!!!  Drive by in the morning, night and on weekends.
Ask "walkers" (not Walking Dead Walkers) what they think of the neighborhood, are there lots of Children, is there a neighborhood watch, How is the HOA?  Anything you would like to know -

Tip #7 - HAVE FUN!  This is Exciting - a New home!!!  Whatever your reason, 1st time home buyer, job relocation, expanding family - you will have memories!
Make them!  ENJOY the adventure!

...  NEXT time I will have Home Buying MISTAKES to Avoid 

Monday, August 31, 2015

They say I need to BLOG....

... so here goes it !!!

About me:  1st off I am a MOM to a Beautiful daughter that just made me a Grandmother! "JAMMA" is what I will be called!  Today he is 7 weeks old!
HE!  It's a BOY!  LOVE!!!

Another fun fact... I am a total animal lover!  I foster momma Kitties and I find it so hard to let the little fur babies go, but I do!  And all the New owners send me updates and I just love to see the happiness they bring to their new Human family!

I also enjoy DIY projects!  Pinterest is my best friend!  Gardening, home improvements, decorating and repaint furniture.

I found this chest in a dumpster!
CEDAR chest that needed paint and a new home - MY Home!

In my former life I sold Lighting!  So, I will most likely blog about lighting techniques for your home too! I enjoyed playing with the colors of light to get the perfect ambiance.

I was born and raised in the Garland TX area (go PATRIOTS!)  I work the Dallas area focusing on the suburbs of Dallas, but work where the work takes me.
Thanks for Visiting!
WIN with wynne!!